The Baptists of the Pembroke community first worshiped with the people of the Fairview community in a church known as “Old Bethel”, located two miles from Pembroke on the right-hand side of the road going toward Fairview.
As their own community grew, the people of Pembroke desired a church in their own town. Records vary as to the exact date of organization. One account states: “On the fourth Sunday in May 1884, a presbytery was called consisting of three ministers, organizing fifty-one members into a church to be called Pembroke Baptist Church.” Another date given for the organization is July 3rd of that year. Whichever date is correct, it seems certain that 79 members at one meeting and 12 more at another withdrew from Bethel church by calling for their letters to build a house of worship at Pembroke.
Even before the new church was organized, a committee was selected to solicit subscriptions for the building. Within a week the amount had reached $3000.00. With the erection of the building assured, a lot was selected on the east side of Main Street near the center of town.
Both the original building (built at a cost of $4,665) and the furnishings (purchased for $565) are still in use. A pulpit chair was donated and carpeting was given by the ladies of the church. Other items were purchased as needed including a bell. The first pastor was called for half-time at a salary of $600 a year plus a parsonage purchased from Bethel for $860. This house, long since torn down, was
on the road to Fairview.
On April 19, 1885 at the dedication service, the building was described as “one of the most elegant, tasteful, and comfortable houses of worship and one of the prettiest in this part of the state”. Growth through the years has necessitated the provision of additional space. One in 1910, in 1949, in 1962 and a fourth addition in 2000. A brick pastorium was built next to the church in 1957, replacing the house across the street which had served since 1907 as the pastor’s residence.
During the years to follow, the W.M.U. was organized in 1902.
Participation in the Cooperative Program was begun. Pembroke has been a member of the Christian County Baptist Association since 1923. Thirty – One men have served as pastors of Pembroke Baptist Church. The current pastor is Bro. Andy Haley, who began his service in Pembroke on January 1st 2014.